La Commissione Ricerca rappresenta l’organo di collegamento tra le varie aree che compongono la comunità GRIN. La Commissione fornisce pareri alla Giunta sui temi legati alla ricerca in Informatica e ne monitora l’andamento generale per risultati, prospettive, risonanza pubblica e valutazioni di qualità. A questo riguardo, e in relazione alle opportunità di trasferimento tecnologico e di conoscenza, la Commissione si raccorda anche con gli organi CINI, Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica.
La Commissione formula proposte sulla valutazione della ricerca, incluso il monitoraggio delle aree di interesse per la comunità GRIN e la classificazione di conferenze e riviste destinatarie di pubblicazioni scientifiche, con particolare attenzione alle iniziative ministeriali di valutazione premiale quali VQR (dipartimentale) e ASN (individuale).
La Commissione infine promuove eventi a carattere scientifico e divulgativo a cavallo delle diverse aree che compongono la comunità GRIN.
Docenti INF/01
Novità sulla Ricerca
[CFP]: 3rd Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage (IAICH24) – – DEADLINE EXTENDED
*** We apologize for possible cross posting *** *** 3rd Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage (IAICH24)Special track: Data for cultural HeritageWorkshop website: https://ai4ch.di.unito.it Co-located with the 23rd International Conference...
1st Workshop on Education for Artificial Intelligence (edu4AI) — DEADLINE EXTENDED
1st Workshop on Education for Artificial Intelligence (edu4AI)Co-located with the 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024)November 25 – November 28, 2024, Bolzano...
16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2025) Irvine, California, USA – May 6-9, 2025
16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2025) Call for Papers Important dates Abstract submission deadline (optional): October 24, 2024 (AOE) Paper submission deadline (FIRM): October 31, 2024 (AOE) Acceptance/rejection...
3rd CFP: 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and fOrmal VERification, Logic, Automata, and sYnthesis (OVERLAY 2024)
*** We apologize for possible cross posting *** *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** OVERLAY 202428th - 29th November, 2024Bolzano, Italyhttps://overlay.uniud.it/workshop/2024 The increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence techniques in safety-critical systems, employed in...
[DEADLINE EXTENSION] Special Issue on “Verification, Control, and Repair in Business Process Management” – Journal: Information Systems, Elsevier (Q1)
*** We apologize for possible cross posting *** ========================================Third Call for Papers, Special Issue Verification, Control, and Repair in Business Process Management * Information Systems - Elsevier (IF 3.7 @ 2024)...
Special issue “Bridging Futures: The Convergence of Technology Enhanced Learning and Generative AI” su International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Guest Editors Filippo Sciarrone, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome, Italy (LGE)filippo.sciarrone AT unimercatorum.it Pierpaolo Vittorini, Università dell’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy (LGE)pierpaolo.vittorini AT univaq.it Christothea Herodotou, Open University,...
Call for Papers: 3rd Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage (IAICH24)
*** We apologize for possible cross posting *** *** 3rd Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage (IAICH24)Special track: Data for cultural HeritageWorkshop website: https://ai4ch.di.unito.it Co-located with the 23rd International...
Call for Papers: 33rd Euromicro/IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP2025)
*** CALL FOR PAPERS *** When: 12-14 March 2025Where: Turin, ItalyMore information: https://pdp2025.org Important dates Special Session proposals: August 31st, 2024Abstract submissions due: October 15th, 2024Paper submissions due: October 20th, 2024Author notification:...
1st Workshop on Education for Artificial Intelligence (edu4AI)
*** Apologies for multiple copies ***1st Workshop on Education for Artificial Intelligence (edu4AI)Co-located with the 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024)November 25 – November 28, 2024, Bolzano...
Le Matematiche – Call for papers – Special Issue on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computer Science – Theory and Applications
*** Le Matematiche - Call for papers - Special Issue on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computer Science - Theory and Applications *** Aims and Scope The aim of the Special Issue is to highlight recent theory and applications trends in Mathematics and Computer...
GRIN Società Informatica Italiana
Sede legale
Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università di Pisa